Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You're a MESS

Oh Lily Kate, you are such a mess!  Your smile takes up your entire face and your giggle is contagious.  I could listen to you laugh endlessly.  Last night, you thought I was funny and I repeated myself until we couldn't possibly laugh any more. This morning, for your nap, you wanted to play peek-a-boo and your laugh could have kept me there for hours if you weren't too sleepy to keep giggling. 

I love how you have starting dancing, or bouncing. You wave one arm like crazy and dip low to the ground only to pop back up as fast as you can and swing that arm up with you.  It's like you're doing crazy squats or something.

Looking into your eyes, I am just so curious about who you will be.  You are independent and hysterical, with your own little sense of humor and a million faces to go with it.  You love your brother but have moments when you are DONE with him.  You just beat your own drum and make up your own march too.  You are fascinating!

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